Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

You use of our website or any of the services offered therein is subject to the following privacy policy. Your use of our website and any associated services offered through $100visa services constitutes your acceptance of these terms, including future amendments made thereto.
At $100visa services, we respect and protect your privacy. We operate under a complete data protect policy, thereby protecting your credentials at all levels. This assures absolute confidentiality. Our privacy policy helps us as an organization to meet the needs of the applicants.

Recorded Information

Our Immigration consultants gather specific credentials of prospective individuals seeking immigration under various programs. The information collected by us via telephonic conversation or face to face interaction comprise of or via various modes available over internet:

Use of transmuted visa information

All the information provided during a visa assessment is used to help ascertain and understand the eligibility for a specific category the applicant is interested in. The contact details are recorded and used to connect with the users as per their convenience.

Rectification in the information

In case, at any point of time you wish to rectify or alter your personal details recorded with us, you can very well mail us and bring the same to our notice. This notification helps us connect to you without any hassle and the information is delivered to you as per your convenience and updated profile.
We strictly follow and abide by the privacy rules that been formulated by the authorities concerned in accordance with the prevailing laws. In return we expect our users to cooperate with us along the lines of rules set down by the organization.
  • The $100visa services does not disclose, sell, resell, lease, or license your personal data, such as your name, phone number or email address, to any third party web sites. We may, however, share non-personal and anonymous information, such as domain name and IP address, the web pages visited and the links clicked.
  • You have the option of submitting personal contact data in the course of accessing our site. These contact details are stored in our secure datacenter so that we may respond to any requests made by you. Persons who supply us with their telephone number(s) and email address(es) on-line will only receive contact from us with information regarding their client account or immigration case file
  • You may be asked to provide personal information in certain fields on our websites. The personal information collected on these sites will not be transferred to any third parties and will be used solely for the purposes for which it was requested.
  • The personal information you provide to us in the Assessment form is collected with the sole purpose of assessing your potential to immigrate to overseas under current immigration selection criteria. Any personal information submitted to us will not be sold, or otherwise transferred, to a third-party source. Upon submitting your Immigration Assessment form you can expect your results to be delivered to the email address you have provided to us within 24 hours from the time of submission. Thereafter, we may send follow-up emails to the same email address regarding your immigration inquiry.
  • If you choose to submit your resume to us, it will only be used to evaluate your eligibility for overseas immigration. Resumes are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with any entity.
  • This site may provide hyperlinks to other locations or websites on the Internet outside the $100visa services group. These hyperlinks lead to websites published or operated by third parties who are not affiliated with or in any way related to the $100visa services entity operating this website. They have been included in our website to enhance your user experience and are presented for information purposes only. We endeavor to select reputable websites and sources of information for your convenience. We are not in any way responsible for the content of any externally linked website or webpage. You use or follow these links at your own risk and we are not responsible for any damages or losses incurred or suffered by you arising out of or in connection with your use of the link.

If you feel that this site is not following its states user policy, you may contact us.

Note: Terms and Conditions mentioned on $100visa services website are for online payments only.

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About $100 VISA

We provide quality advice & application processing for anyone who wishes to Migrate, Study, Work or Visit Canada, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, USA & UK.


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